Support Your Local Venue : Keep Entertainment LIVE!

We’re extremely grateful to those who have donated so far. If you are in a position to consider making a contribution, you will be investing in our future – allowing us to continue delivering the best in live entertainment!

The Embassy Theatre, Skegness, is the East Coast’s premier live entertainment venue. Providing you with the Embassy Experience. This is what we do. Thank you.

Just scroll to the bottom of this page and input the amount you would like to donate – if applicable please remember to add Gift Aid to your donation as we can claim an extra 25 pence for every £1 donated – at no extra cost to you.

Another way you might choose to support the future of your favourite venue: 

Leaving a Legacy.

You can find out how donations from those who have chosen to remember us in their wills have helped to support our work – and how you could do the same to safeguard this venue for present and future patrons. Legacy donations will help to ensure the Embassy Theatre’s future security. Donations from those who have chosen to remember us either in their wills or as a one off donation have helped to support our work both on stage and behind the scenes, supporting this venue and ensuring that long term stability can be achieved.

How it works.

Each year we receive donations from our patrons and secure gifts from people who have kindly chosen to remember us in their Wills. Legacy donations both large and small will help to ensure that this venue remains sustainable in the long term, as well as assisting with stage productions, community projects, enable training and grow our funds.

How to leave a legacy.

Leaving us a gift can be relatively straightforward. Here are some guidelines on words to include in your Will, but we would still recommend discussing a bequest with a qualified professional such as a Will writer or solicitor.

Leaving us a share of your estate.

I give (specify ‘all’ or state ‘percentage share’) of my residuary estate to the Embassy Theatre, Skegness. Magna Vitae Trust for Leisure and Culture, Grand Parade, Skegness, Lincolnshire, PE25 2UG. (Registered Charity No. 1160156) for its general charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the treasurer or other authorised officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.

Leaving us a fixed amount.

I give the sum of (amount in figures or words) to the Embassy Theatre, Skegness. Magna Vitae Trust for Leisure and Culture, Grand Parade, Skegness, Lincolnshire, PE25 2UG. (Registered Charity No. 1160156) for its general charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the treasurer or other authorised officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.

Let us know if you are leaving a legacy.

By telling us you have pledged a legacy we can keep you informed about our work and welcome you to our venue.

Click here to send us an email or telephone 01754 474100.

If you have further queries or would like additional details on legacy donations, please email: or call 01754 474100.