A huge thank you to everyone for supporting this year’s pantomime Dick Whittington. We have all had a wonderful time.
Our sales team are taking a well earned break and will return to the venue on Tuesday 7th January 2025. We’ll be taking calls and answering emails from 10:00am however, whilst building works continue on the inside of the Embassy Theatre we will not be a in a position to offer a counter sales service. You will still be able to order your tickets for collection however, you will have to bear with us and for the foreseeable future, collect them on the night of the performance rather than at the time of purchase. We will continue to offer this service for the early part of 2025 before we are able to welcome you back into the venue for counter sales service. You can still call us on the usual number and leave us a voicemail should we be closed or unavailable. You can also email us with your queries and again, the team will be available to answer these each week.
We thank you for your co-operation and understanding. We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you again prior to the new season.
Over the early part of 2025, we will be available on the following days:
Monday | closed
Tuesdays | 10:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday | closed
Thursdays | 10:00am to 4:00pm
Friday | closed
Saturday | closed
Sunday | closed
Our opening hours will be reviewed on a regular basis and as the new season approaches, we will of course, be able to offer you service at our counter but your co-operation in the interim period is appreciated.
Click here to email us.
Call us at any time and leave a voicemail on 01754 474100